I am often left thinking that travel blogging is a profession of young people. At least that’s what it seems like when I see so many of the lists of top bloggers. Sex sells and when you are an attractive twenty something, or a young, recently married couple who looks good in a bathing suit, it’s no wonder a blogger’s following can skyrocket. I’ve been thinking about this a lot over the last year or so, particularly when I’ve seen bloggers publish posts on hot bloggers in their 20s, or the sexiest female travelers alive, and more. What I’ve yet to see is a list of hot travel bloggers in their 40s.
I turn 40 this week. The big 4-0. I don’t want to come across as a has-been, I wish I still looked as good in a bathing suit now as when I got married, kind of woman. After all, I am pretty okay, most days, with turning 40. I have an amazing life and cannot complain about where I am.
But, I am finding myself looking for travel and blogging inspiration from, well, people like me. I am looking for people who have a few notches on their belts, who’ve been around the world and back again, or who even (gasp) had long-standing careers before travel. They’re the types who can be found on a motorcycle tour through Asia, hiking across Spain, or drinking Champagne in France. They live pretty cool lives, and are hardly has-beens.
So here I am, just as I turn 40 myself, sharing my list of my favorite hot travel bloggers in their 40s. There are no bikini shots of my fellow blogging brethren. Instead, it is a group of good people, who I’ve been fortunate enough to meet up with all over the world. Being able to look back at times I’ve had meeting these folks over three continents, while sharing our travel stories and experiences…well, to me, that’s sexy.
Sherry Ott of Ottsworld
After escaping the corporate life in New York nine years ago, Sherry, from Ottsworld, has been blessing the Internet world with valuable travel tips, photographs that make you want to book a flight, and life musings that you don’t often see in travel blogs. Sherry also serves as a blogging mentor of mine, and has taught me a lot about photography – although, don’t blame her for me uploading a questionable photo now and then. Together, we’ve drank margaritas in Chicago and gin and tonics in Catalunya, and what’s sexier than a couple of women knocking back cocktails together.
Sherry recently wrote about the scrumptious feasts she had in Costa Brava and Pyrenees. You can follow Sherry on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Lisa Lubin of LL World Tour
Former TV producer Lisa, now semi-permanently residing in Chicago and New Jersey, has traveled to 50 countries and counting. She writes about her travel experiences and all the tasty food she devours at LL World Tour. I actually met Lisa and Sherry during the same weekend, when I attended Bloghouse in Chicago.
I may joke that many of my hot travel bloggers in their 40s might not be liberal with photos of themselves in bathing suits, but Lisa made a splash recently with a fab post on how to travel and lose weight…and showed some amazing photos of bare belly – something you won’t be seeing from me anytime soon. Funny enough, if you subscribe to Lisa’s blog it suggests you sign up for “Fresh and Hot Blog Posts.” Kind of fitting. Follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Carol Cain of Girl Gone Travel
I first met Carol, of Girl Gone Travel, at my first TBEX, the Travel Bloggers’ Conference, in Dublin a few years ago. Over a very rocky weekend for me, she made me feel welcomed into the world of travel blogging. This was due in part to her outgoing demeanor, friendly disposition, and ability to knock back cocktails like nobody’s business. Why do so many of my experiences with hot travel bloggers in their 40s involve cocktails?
Hailing from Brooklyn, NY, Carol decided to end her career in public relations to live a life filled with profound travels and delicious food. Carol not only travels with her husband in tow (ha ha!), but also often with her children. Check out Carol’s recent experience biking through the vineyards in the beautiful Mont-Ventoux valley in southern France. Great views, great wine, great tour! Follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Jeff Dobbins of Adventures in Culture
Jeff from Adventures in Culture is another person who made me feel welcome at that first TBEX, and as a result, holds a special place in my heart. After being heavily involved in theater in New York, Jeff now focuses on immersing himself in the local culture during his travels.
Aside from being a travel writer, he also leads tours in NYC. Although his travels often seem to land him in some hot water, he also ends up finding the most beautiful vistas and amazing food. We love Spanish food and we love Jeff’s post about tapas in Seville! Subscribe to Jeff on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Susan Schwartz of Best Bits
Susan, of Best Bits, and I met at Bloghouse in Chicago, and hung out again at TBEX in Greece and Spain. So, we’ve also knocked back a couple of drinks together. Although with Susan, we’re often looking for the best dishes to eat while sipping sparkling wine. Why is this such a trend with my blogger friends?
After being bitten by the wanderlust bug in her teenage years, American-born, London-resident Susan has since traveled to 50 countries. Susan’s travel blog caters to the passionate explorer who seeks authentic but luxurious experiences. If you’re heading to Louisiana, check out her top ten best bites in New Orleans and Breaux Bridge. I was totally jealous reading this post. And, follow Susan on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Ric Gazarian of Global Gaz
Ric is like a big teddy bear, and one that is now firmly in our three continent club – a club for friends that we’ve met across the globe. We first met Ric in Chicago when I was speaking at a Meet, Plan, Go event. He spends most of the year in Bangkok, where we’ve spent time together. And, we’ve now been to a couple of TBEX events in Europe together. What we haven’t done is travel with Ric how he normally travels, outside of meetings and conferences.
Since 2008, Ric has visited all seven continents and there’s no stopping him from visiting every country on this planet. Ric shares off-the-beaten path destinations and insights on living life on the road, this includes Africa, the ‘Stans, and other crazy destinations we’ve never been, and may never visit. Remembering my not-so-pleasant experience in El Salvador, it was refreshing to see Ric capture the beautiful sites in this Central American country. Or, follow Ric on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Francesca Mazurkiewicz of The Working Mom’s Travels
Another Chicago Bloghouse alum, and lifelong Chicago resident, Francesca proves that you don’t have to (and shouldn’t) give up your passion for travel despite juggling a family and a full-time career. She’s pretty inspirational in what she does, because she is one of those women who is doing it all. She writes a lot about travel around the US and in The Working Mom’s Travels, she writes about how she balances all three. Follow Francesca on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Bret Love of Green Global Travel
I first met Bret of Green Global Travel on Facebook, where he was commenting about my struggles with traveling with big breasts. Perhaps a strange way to meet, but I promise you, it was nothing off-color. In fact, Bret travels with his wife, and apparently shops for her too.
An advocate of responsible tourism and cultural preservation, Bret has set foot in beautiful places across the world with one goal in mind: to save the world. When I met him in person this year in Spain, his personality was just as big. Read about Bret’s seven important life lessons he learned in the Galapagos Islands which can apply to just about anyone. Follow Bret, and Mary, on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Scott Eddy of Mr. Scott Eddy
We met Scott of Mr. Scott Eddy, initially through Twitter. That’s how most people met Scott. Although we only spent a short time knocking back a drink in Bangkok, we now seem to be chatting on Skype almost weekly. Scott, a former stockbroker turned serial entrepreneur and digital nomad, connects entrepreneurs to the rest of the world.
Aside from being a digital marketing consultant, Scott is also the Global Brand Ambassador of Zipkick. Although he is relatively new to the travel blogging world, he is a social media influencer unlike any I’ve seen, which gives him firm footing to be placed on our list of hot travel bloggers in their 40s.
Read Scott’s motivational post about 5 daily shortcuts to a happy and productive life. Subscribe to Scott on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Honorable Mentions – Hot Bloggers Not Quite in Their 40s
When I first came up with my list of hot travel bloggers in their 40s, two people came to mind. When I dug a little deeper, though, I found out they are both in their 50s, although just barely. And, since I am ten years away from creating my own list of hot travel bloggers in their 50s, I need to include Shane and Kerwin in this list, as honorable mentions.
Shane Dallas of The Travel Camel
Australian travel blogger Shane Dallas, aka The Travel Camel, has visited over ninety countries. Focusing on cultural and authentic experiences, Shane chooses to live, eat, and stay where the local people do. He is the epitome of a traveler who takes the road less traveled. The road very less traveled. Luckily we have not had to meet up with Shane on any of his crazy excursions and instead have met him in places like Dublin, and London – more our speed.
Read about Shane’s nerve-wracking ordeal with a Somaliland tourism official abusing power, asking him to leave the country with no legal basis at all. Yeah, not exactly how we travel. For us, it’s an adventure to just read about Shane’s experiences. Follow Shane on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Kerwin McKenzie of CruisinAltitude
Similar to Scott Eddy, Kerwin is a serial entrepreneur, with multiple blogs about all sorts of niches. Closer to our heart, and Eric’s, he is a fellow #AvGeek, writing at CruisinAltitude. When Kerwin and Eric get together, even online, there’s nothing stopping the AvGeekery. Kerwin has visited more than 100 countries and flies an average of 300,000 miles each year! His blog is filled with the best travel tips and airline reviews.
For when you plan to cross the Atlantic Ocean, take note of these 7 luxurious ways to fly from New York to London. Connect with Kerwin on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Did I miss anyone? Who should I add in for the next episode of hot travel bloggers in their 40s?
Amber Hoffman, food and travel writer behind With Husband In Tow, is a recovering attorney and professional eater, with a passion for finding new Food and Drink Destinations. She lives with her husband, Eric, in Girona, Catalonia, Spain. Together over the last 20 years, they have traveled to over 70 countries. Amber is the author of the Food Traveler’s Guide to Emilia Romagna.
Awesome to be on this list with such great bloggers! Thanks!
My pleasure!
OMG, I’m so honored to be among such distinguished company! Thank you for including me. Glad I get to see you soon and give you a big “gratitude hug.”
Hugs gladly accepted. I will cash in on my hug in Bangkok, right?
Woah! After reviewing this list, I must say that travel most definitely is good for your health. I was actually surprised to find that some of these awesome travel bloggers were in their 40s (and 50s!?) Cheers to them and happy happy big 4-0 to you. Thanks for the inspiration!
I know, right! We often tell people our age and they are pretty surprised!
Thanks for the compliment and the inclusion! Great list too! I hope to meet up with you again soon for some more cocktails!
My pleasure!
Fun read, some of my faves are included!
Fun list! I know what you mean about how it seems like blogging is all about the young people. I’m 35, so just a few years behind you!
Ha! Finally at 45 I’ve made it onto a ‘Hot’ list…childhood dream achieved! 🙂 Thanks so much for including me on the list AND writing this post. Yes – most of the time I feel like I’m on the Island of Misfit Toys when it comes to the blogging world…but the good news is that 40 somethings (and there are many in the world) want to hear from 40 somethings.
And when you hit 40 – you give up the bikini pics for tankini pics!
Excited to be in such great company…and next time I see you we’ll toast your entry into 40 with a big fat G&T while we wear our tankinis!!!!
Tankini? Didn’t realize that was part of the deal of turning 40. I still have my bikini. Looks like I have two days to go shopping . . . But, I will take you up on the G&T!
I love a lot of these guys and a few are now on my radar. Being in my 40’s myself, I appreciate the post a lot!
Didn’t know you are in your 40s…I’ll add you as a candidate for next year!
Oh – one more thing – I’d love to add Paula Froelich from A Broad Abroad…AWESOME real person video content…and she can also rock a bikini! http://www.abroadabroad.com/
Thanks for the recommendation, perhaps for 2016!
SHerry – thank you! I adore you (in a bikini) as well!
Girl power! Thanks for the comment Paula!
I am about to turn 42, am not a resident/passport holder of an Anglo-Saxon country and write in English. Check it out. Thx
I will!
So inspiring to see us 40+ somethings enjoying life to the max! Long may it continue!
You forgot someone really hot….YOU!
Aw shucks . . .
Gutted I didn’t make this list. 😉
There’s always next year!
apparently we haven’t met lol
Maybe not . . . meeting in person wasn’t a requirement for the list. It just sort of worked out that way. But, I like the fact that I had actually met everyone on the list at least once!
Well hey now! Thanks for this lovely honor. I have to say…the 40s rock! I’m in the best shape of my life (as you mentioned, I just dropped 15 lbs and continue to work out daily). I always forget my age because I’ve truly felt the same since probably my late 20s. 🙂
Still amazed at the weight loss, Lisa, what willpower!
Hi! Great article. Would you consider adding Mike Shubic to this list? He’s definitely a hot travel blogger in his 40s! Thanks for considering. ?
This year’s list is “closed” but I’m already adding names to a list for 2016!
Great list of bloggers! I’ll have to be added to the over 50 list for next year. 🙂
Perhaps you could do your own Hot Bloggers in Their 50s List next year….
I love this post!! As a new travel blogger, I was starting to wonder where the rest of us were! I was inspired by some of your “hotties” to leave the 9-5 when I turned 50, to travel and write about it. That was two years ago, and it just keeps getting better, so don’t sweat 40. Thank you again for this and keep going!
All the best,
Congratulations! And, I will be sweating turning 40, but only because it is really hot here in Bangkok!
This was good to wake up to this morning after my weird dream last night Amber.
Thank you for the inclusion and making my day; O.K. year :-).
It’s good to be still considered “hot” at 50. Thank you mom and dad.
And I’d agree that the others on the list are indeed hotties :-).
He he, glad you liked the list of hot hotties!
Great list. Thanks for guiding me to some new blogs. I’d love to be considered for your next list!
Great list! 50 countries & Fab over 40…47 to be exact. Keep me in mind for next time.
Thanks for putting together this list, Amber! It’s great to know I’m not alone in the world of 40-something travel blogging (I turned 42 this year). So many fab people on this list! I hope you do something amazing for your big 4-0. We went big 2 years ago and did a 2 week trip to South Africa complete with luxury safari. One of the best trips ever. When my husband, Scott, also a travel blogger in his 40s, hit the big one, we went to the Big Island of Hawaii for a doors off helicopter ride. Who says 40-somethings don’t know how to live 😉
Great list, as someone in their 40s it’s great to see how many of us there actually are in the travel blogging world! I’d also recommend Leigh from http://www.hikebiketravel.com. She could totally rock a bikini and she kicks some serious butt in the mountains!
Thanks for including me!! Not the hottest pic of me but, hey, I’ll take it – guess you always look hot flying first class.
This is a great article, I’m 48 and started my travel blog (properly) this year. Being in our 40’s means we have experienced more of life so have plenty to blog about. Having done two RTW backpacking trips in the last 17 years and planning another for 2017 there is plenty to write about yet 🙂
Should anyone denture into the next decade, eek, keep me in mind! 🙂
Thanks for including me, Amber! Special thanks for your compliments and kind words about this crazy life I’m leading. It means a lot to me!
I love this article!! I’m a 43 year old, ex-dental hygienist, turned travel blogger. I have a late start, but it looks like I’m in with some good company! I thought I may be the oldest one? YES!
I can assure you, you’re not the oldest! 😉
Moi! I’m in my EARLY 40s! TravelMamas.com ?
Thanks for sharing! I already follow a bunch of these, and it’s good that they are getting the recognition they deserve. Travel blogging can be open to everyone, it’s nice to see different types of experience from people in all sorts of age groups 🙂
I mean – you missed the hottest 40 year old travel blogger, AKA ME!! 😉
Wonderful and inspiring list!!
We’re definitely an underrepresented demographic in the world of travel blogging, so I’m glad you posted this!
I assume by saying “we” that means you are part of the club? I had no idea. I will add you for next year.
Wow! I had no idea there were so many of us 40 something travel bloggers out there! We should start a club! My husband and I often joke that we can’t increase our social media likes by getting our kit off!
This is a great post, both my husband and I are definitely in the club and being new to blogging we often are overwhelmed by the numbers of young bloggers. It is great to know there are some great 40+ blogs out there (and also readers of said blogs :))
Thanks for the post I have found some new blogs to check out!
This is one of the best blog posts I’ve read in awhile. I was beginning to think the travel blog world was dominated by 20-30 yr olds. Yayyee for a great list of fellow 40+ bloggers to stalk. I mean, follow. lol As a 45 yr old, I totally rocked my bikini when I visited the beaches of Roatan last April.
Welcome to the 40s. Turning 40 was one of the best years of my life, much better than the 30s. You can be fabulous, fun, and flirty all while not giving a shit what others think because it really doesnt matter anymore. Enjoy!
I was nervous about turning 40, but so far, the 40s are the best! I’d add Laurel and Lainie next time–both beautiful ladies in their 40s (I think!). 🙂
Thank for following me on twitter! Love your blog! My blog was only fashion focused and I added travel…so loving it and all the amazing connections! And….middle age rocks..I just turned 51!
Haha! What a great post, I giggled loads 😉 For the longest time, I thought 40 was ehhr…’old’. My partner and I are both 42 having the time of our lives!
It seems like you have to make it big financially before you can experience life-long learning from traveling indefinitely.
I think most of the people on this list would disagree. We all spend a lot more on the road than we did living in our home countries in our prior careers. It just takes hard work and dedication.