Category Archives: Food

The With Husband In Tow Food Travel Guide with advice on where and what to eat around the world.

What is a Food Travel Blog?

There are travel blogs. There are food blogs. Travel blogs provide stories and tips on how to travel. Food blogs tend to focus on the food in a few destinations, maybe a particularly city, often times they focus on recipes, or restaurant reviews.

With Husband In Tow is a food travel blog, and as part of that I want to share a series of food travel guides. So, what does that mean?

Food travel is a different way to travel. It’s exploring a culture through its food. It’s a way to travel for food. It’s searching for the perfect food tour. It’s planning your journey as a food trip.

We travel on our stomachs, and as a result, have eaten a lot of food all around the world. We aim to find the best we can in a foodie destination. We try to learn from the food we eat and the people we meet.