Category Archives: Escape The Predictable Life

We Are Travel Bloggers, We Are Awesome

Courtyard Marriott Seoul

Over the last almost two years, we have surrounded ourselves with people much like ourselves. Our social circle has been comprised of yoga teachers, corporate dropouts, travel bloggers, digital nomads, and perpetual nomads. It has been inspiring to be surrounded by people who sort of “get us,” who understand the life we lead.

5 Things I Have Learned From Getting Older – On Turning 39

getting older

I sit here writing this while I get my hair colored for the first time in almost two and a half years.  After all, I am turning 39 this week, and that is what 39 year old women are supposed to do, right? Back in my former life, I colored my hair regularly.  It was […]

Our Engagement Story

Our Engagement Story

Some people have grand and romantic stories of how they became engaged.  Our engagement story revolves around a call from a French pay phone.   We have never been that lovey dovey type of couple.  After all, we barely got along the first six months we were together.  I am not sure what changed after […]

Our First Six Months Together…We Hated Each Other

How To Travel As a Couple

When I started to think about writing our “love story” I wondered why I would share this, and if anyone would be interested in reading it.  Particularly because we don’t have one of those lovey-dovey relationships.  In fact, the thought of even calling it our love story kind of bothered me.  It reminded me of […]